We’ve got a new look! After several years with a canned product, that while we liked and met our needs, never really quite captured who we are. We came to the conclusion this year that our look needed to change. But where to start? Looking around town, there so many talented artists that have done some amazing work for our local businesses and nonprofit organizations. Luckily for us a good friend reminded me that our mutual friend, Jim Slatton of Slatthouse Creative could help. Upon looking at his portfolio and talking with him about how he would approach our project, within minutes we knew he was the right person for our project.
What came next was a bit unexpected but a wonderful surprise. Why an acorn for our logo? “Because an acorn symbolizes the beginning of something good”. Many ideas for organizations or small businesses start as just that, an idea. And if given the right attention, care, hard work and a little luck it will grow into something good. Never before has someone so perfectly captured into a few words and a symbol what we have strived for so many years to do for our clients. Many times we have met with to hear their dreams and ideas, and coupled with our expertise helped them to grow something good for our community.
Hopefully this new look is just the beginning of more good things to come. Over the next few months we hope to add ways that we can collaborate in a way that brings together many of our existing relationships as well as to forge new ones. We would also like to hear your ideas for how we can better serve you.
Come on, Let’s Grow Something Good Together!